IMEDIA Show & Tell Workshop on Teaching Media Literacy
June 26, 2023 10 AM – 2 PM
Gregory Hall 31, 810 S. Wright St., Urbana, IL 61801
We’re inviting teachers to the University of Illinois campus to share experiences and challenges teaching media literacy, to gain some new resources and information to share in the classroom next year, and to network with fellow Illinois educators interested in media literacy.
- Benefits include: Each participant will receive $25 and the opportunity to earn 4 professional development hours; share and learn about resources for teaching media literacy in your own classroom
10 AM – 11:15 AM Show & Tell Workshop: Experiences and Challenges in Media Literacy in the Classroom
11:15 AM – 12 PM Whole Group Brainstorm: What media literacy topics are you interested in learning more about?
12 PM – 1 PM Lunch with Keynote speaker addressing implications of ChatGPT for teaching
1 PM – 2 PM Reflection and next steps